At 08:53 PM 8/8/96 +0200, Dr. Uwe Ritter wrote:
>I would like to build a steam locomotive in G. I am looking for
>drawings (construction plans)for steam locomotives. Where can I buy
>such drawings or is it possible to get some for free? Best format would
>be in AutoCad.
There are, as far as I know, no plans commercially available in electronic
format. There are several sources for plans from various dealers, but of
course they will cost you.
Joseph-Jean Paques of Montreal published an article about 4 years ago in
Steam in the Garden magazine about a gauge 1 type 2-6-0 he built, and he
offered copies of the plans for US$5. I got a copy and they are just what he
promised: plans and a list of materials. There are no instructions or hints,
just drawings. If you are like me, a beginning machinist, you may not feel
competent to start on a project like this as your first one, though the price
of the plans is very reasonable and the loco looks like a good one (gas
fired, oscillating cylinders, axle-driven water feed pump, etc.)
Peter Jones of Wales released a book several years back called "First Steps
in Building a Steam Loco", in which he shows how to construct a nice little
0-4-0 tank engine using only common hand tools and Roundhouse components
for the bits that must be machined. It was published by Brandbright and is still
available. You can write or call them for details on price, etc., and can order
over the telephone from a foreign country with a credit card:
Brandbright Limited
The Old School
Cromer Road
Bodham, Holt
Norfolk NR25 6QG ENGLAND
tel.: 011 441 263 588 755
FAX: 011 441 263 588 424
If you're already experienced as a machinist, you can use almost any plans you
can find, and scale them to fit gauge 1 track. This opens the possiblities of using
plans from larger gauges -- several people have used Kozo Hiraoka's wonderful
books to make plans for gauge 1 locos.
I hope this helps some. If anyone knows of good sources other than these, please
send them to Dr. Ritter AND TO ME, so I can include them in my resources list.
From: Mike ChaneyEd. note: the link no longer works.)
Subject: Re: Drawing plans
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 96 19:58:18 GMT
Welcome to the list, Uwe,
Do you mean G scale (1:22.5 on 45mm track) or Gauge 1 (10mm/ft or 3/8"/ft on
45mm track)?
To my knowledge there is nothing drawn for G scale, except perhaps the Peter
Jones "Dacre" which Vance mentioned and a series by Charlie Mynhier in recent
issues of Steam in the Garden on a very solid looking 0-4-0.
For standard gauge, there is quite a lot, mostly British outline:-
From: Paul Forsyth Models,
78, Laburnum Crescent,
Tel: +44 (0) 1604 494995
C.R. McIntosh 4-6-0 918 class
G.C.R. Robinson 4-4-2 Atlantic - Jersey Lillie
G.C.R. Robinson 2-6-4T Coal Tank
G.C.R. Robinson 4-6-2T "Empire Maid"
G.C.R. Robinson 4-4-0 Director Class
M.R. Johnson "Belpaire" 4-4-0
L.T.S.R. 4-4-2T "Tilbury Tank"
H.R. Castle Class 4-6-0
These are all dyeline prints with no instructions and the occasional omission.
From: Nexus Special Interests,
Nexus House,
Boundary Way,
Hemel Hemstead,
Tel: +44 (0) 1442 66551
Fax: +44 (0) 1442 66998
Designs by Martin Evans:
Green Arrow LNER 2-6-2
Southern Belle LBSCR 4-4-2
Designs by "LBSC" (L.Lawrence):
"Juliet" 0-4-0T freelance
"Dot" 4-6-0 based on the Stanier class 5
"Diana"4-6-2 freelance coal fired
"Netta" 0-8-0 based on NER "T" class
"Mabel" 2-4-0 LNWR
Most of the Nexus designs have been written up in Model Engineer but back
copies may no longer be available. (I took this list from the 1988 catalogue so
there may be more designs available now.)
Keith Manison is building "DOT" and has a construcional series under way (brave
man!) at (
Mike Chaney,
Engineer and Modelmaker,
dedicated to keeping little kettles boiling
Steam in the Garden magazine started not one but two construction series in the Sep/Oct 1996 issue:
Details are available on the G1MRA's web site:
The two books from TEE Publishing are:
Small Loco Construction by LBSC - Building Souther "Girton" in Gauge 1
Introducing "BAT and "OWL" by LBSC (These are 0 gauge)
The address is
TEE Publishing
The Fosse
Fosse Way
Radford Semele
Leamington Spa
Warwickshire CV31 1XN
Tel 44 192 661 4101
Fax 44 192 661 4293
They are on email at
TEEPUB 100544.1675@CompuServe.COM
They take plastic and will accept orders by email.
Ed Warren, beginners projects columnist for MODELTEC Magazine, produces a number of plans and unmachined kits for simple steam motors of many types. Included in this assortment are a double-acting oscillating cylinder design (named "Lorrie"), of a size suitable for gauge 1 locos, and a 2-cylinder double-acting oscillating steam motor unit intended for a Shay type locomotive (named "Rohnda").
With a small lathe and Ed's plans, you should be able to scratchbuild a simple engine similar to the DeWinton or other flatbed, vertical-boiler types. Using the Lorrie cylinders and a Mamod or Wilesco boiler, you could build a simple rod-type engine. (Diamond Enterprises sell Wilesco boilers as spare parts.)
Update: Ed Warren no longer offers these drawings, though MODELTEC published several books of Ed's plans, and some plans may be available in back issues of MODELTEC.
The plans were priced at US$18 + $5 shipping (Chloe) and US$35 + $10 shipping (Gammy) at the time of the review. For more details, write to
Meg Steam
161 Lohr Road
Victora BC V8X 3X3
Other titles in the TEE catalog include:
The half-inch scale book is simply titled Drawings and Instructions Covering the "Step by Step" Method of Constructing the 1/2" Scale Locomotives by Martin Lewis. The plans are Mountain type (eight-coupled) or Pacific type (six-coupled) engines. You may not wish to build exactly this type of locomotive, or at this scale, but it should be noted that these construction series are quite exhaustive, and would be useful to a builder or designer of any rod-type engine. (Similarly, Kozo Hiraoka's books on geared engines are used by builders in scales other than the original 5" gauge.) I found the plans and accompanying articles quite useful in learning general building and design techniques, and came away with many good ideas. The reproduction is a little on the murky side, but given the wealth of information they contain and their reasonable pricing (US $12 each) I would call these books a "best buy".
Castings for these locos are also available from Little Engines. They include wheels (spoked or Box-poc), rods, truck frames, cylinders and steam chest, boiler door and domes, tender parts and detailing accessories.
Argyle is represented in the US by Sulphur
Springs Steam Models.
This kit is no longer available. Please contact Argyle about
continued availability of drawings.
A faster way -- and more reliable way, too -- to check the workings of the gear is to use a valve gear simulation program.
There are two currently available, both for x86-based PCs. My favorite is Charlie Dockstader's program. It shows you the valve gear in motion, and also gives steam indicator and valve event diagrams, which let you know that your events are balanced, correctly timed, etc.
You can download a copy from Dockstader's
site, from here or from the Alaska
Live Steamers site.
A CAD Project: a Baldwin outside-frame 2-8-0
Inspired by builders like Keith Manison and Clark Lord, I thought it might be useful to create a project page for my current locomotive, an Baldwin narrow gauge "catalog design" which became well-known among Denver & Rio Grande Western fans as the no. 375 (C-25 class).
Some months after having uploaded some photos and drawings, it still
hasn't turned into the kind of diary I would like to read, but it's a
start. I have CAD screen shots and photos of some of the early parts
on the site at
The Dutch Steam Group (Stoomgroep
Holland) and the Dutch Model Engineers Society (Nederlandse
Vereniging van Modelbouwers)
publish a number of designs in gauge One. Some of these are standard
gauge locos, some are at 1:20 scale. A particularly nice loco is the
Stoomgroep's Gotland. This 0-6-0 tank loco is meths
(alcohol) fired with a water-tube (Smithies) boiler.
The Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers catalogues now contain over 1300 different plans which are available for members and non-members. Six different catalogues exist, each covering a different kind of modelbuilding.
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0-4-0 CAD drawings Konrad Muecke has generously made his CAD drawings of a German 0-4-0 steam loco available to other small-scale live steamers. There are 19 drawings altogether, which are bundled together into a self-extracting archive (LOCO99.EXE). The drawings are in the DXF format. ( If you are running a Mac and can import DXF, but can not extract the archived zip files, please mail me (vrbass at or Konrad (k.muecke at We can send them to you via e-mail. Konrad has other plans available free, as well as locomotives built to order, on his web site: |
You can learn more about G1MRA's Dee at their web site:
![]() |
The Bay Area (California) Garden
Railway Society's steam interest group is an active one. Several of
their members devised a simple project loco built primarily from
off-the-shelf marine engine parts. Mike Martin has put together
outstanding CAD drawings and plans on his web page:
There are a couple of pages that weren't linked from the main diagram at the time of this writing. Go to for overall views, for drawings of the chassis and for an alternate axlebox plan. |
for you 1:13.7 scale fans (2-foot or 60cm gauge on 1-gauge track): Plans
for a Decauville 0-4-0T or 0-6-0T. The plans appear to be very complete
and beautifully laid out (for example, see the 3-D chassis view at right).
The plans are saved as high-resolution TIFF format files and packed in ZIP
archives. The page is in French, but should pose no problems for those who
don't speak the language. Just follow the links - every one leads
somewhere interesting. This should be a great project for anyone who has
succumbed to the charm of 7/8n2 scale. The plans are free, with the
condition that builders inform the designer of their models.
Dave Watkins is a prolific builder. He has published many construction articles in various magazines, most often Sixteen Mil Today. He's devised complete plans for "Idris", a deWinton style loco (4-wheeler with vertical boiler, not unlike the BAGRS Project), as well as others. Check his steam web site for the complete range. | ![]() |
From the designer of the
7/8n2 Decauville loco (above), come free plans and 3D models of a steam
railbus with vertical boiler. This is a relatively simple
design, with a double-cylinder oscillating steam motor. It would
make a good first project, and will add some unique charm to your
locomotive roster. |
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LBSC's "Mona"
John Angell of the G1MRA sent a note about an LBSC design for an 0-6-2 loco in either 3.5" or 1 Gauge. It's known that some of Curly's designs were published without the benefit of having been built and corrected, but Mr Angell also has a running example, constructed by a friend of LBSC, so this one is presumably an error-free design, and quite a handsome engine.Compiled and © copyright 1995-2019 by: Vance R. Bass. All rights reserved. Please use any and all information contained herein for your hobby enjoyment. If you're going to republish or make money from it, talk to me first.
Last updated 14 October 2019